CIF A28200392 Spain Toll roads managing seen 1419 times Last report June 2009

Employees 1,035 (34.40% women)
Profit 686.6M €
Indebtedness 365.1%
Income 322.6M €
Earnings per share 1 €


Assets and liabilities
Solvency 127.4%    20.14%
Short solvency 276.6%    6.76K%
Working balance on income 272.7%    741.4%
Working balance on assets 64.26%    1.3K%
Non current assets coverage 30.95%    237.8%
Fixed assets on long term debt 31.79%    223.2%
Cash on Current Assets 5.63%    927.1%
Inmovilization 69.38%    43.1%

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  • Solvency: Ability to cope with payments obligations.
  • Short solvency: Ability to cope with short term payments obligations.
  • Working balance on income: Result of subtracting current liabilities to current assets and relativizing them to sales. It represents the proportion of sales represented by the working capital.
  • Working balance on assets: Result of subtracting the current liability to the current asset and relativizing it to the same current asset. That is, it represents the proportion of current assets that are financed by permanent (non-current) resources.
  • Non current assets coverage: In what degree the non-current asset is financed by own funds.
  • Fixed assets on long term debt: Measures the relation between the fixed assets and the non current liabilities. This is the natural way to finance a company.
  • Cash on Current Assets: Percentage of current assets that represents the available cash.
  • Inmovilization: Percentage of fixed assets on total assets.

Liquidity 279.8%    166.9%

Cash on Current Liabilities 15.75%    2.64K%

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  • Liquidity: Ability to deal with short-term debts.
  • Cash on Current Liabilities: Percentage of current liabilities that are covered by cash.

Indebtedness 365.1%    -77.97%

Leverage 71.09%   36.95%
Debt Quality 86.06%    79.71%
Financial Expenses Coverage 84.66%   -11.22%
Short term Indebtedness 50.89%    -94.11%
Long term Indebtedness 314.2%    -60.41%
Financial Expenses on EBIT 118.1%   12.64%
Indebtedness Ratio 78.5%    -16.77%
Indebtedness on EBIT 2.28K%    -16.13%

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  • Indebtedness: Percentage of net assets that represent debt (both short and long).
  • Leverage: Percentage of assets represented by liabilities with financial institutions (which generate costs)
  • Debt Quality: Percentage of the liability that corresponds to long-term debt.
  • Financial Expenses Coverage: It can be understood as the times that the financial expenses are contained in the operating result. It should always be above 100%.
  • Short term Indebtedness: Percentage of net assets that represent short-term debts.
  • Long term Indebtedness: Percentage of net assets that represent long-term debt.
  • Financial Expenses on EBIT: Inverse of the Financial Expenses Coverage, in other words, the percentage of EBIT represented by financial expenses. How much the company earnings are used to pay interests of the debt.
  • Indebtedness Ratio: Percentage of total assets that constitute the debts.
  • Indebtedness on EBIT: Percentage of the EBIT represented by the total liabilities.

Inventory Turnover 766.7%   -42.61%

Assets Turnover 7.22%   -1.41%
Customers Turnover -25.43%   -94.14%
Fixed Assets Turnover 10.4%   -31.1%
Suppliers Turnover 6.33%   -25.74%

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  • Turnover: Rotación???
  • Fixed Assets Turnover: Proportion of fixed assets that represent the obtained income.
  • Assets Turnover: Proportion of the total assets that represent the obtained income.
  • Customers Turnover: Percentage of receivable accounts that are represented in revenues.
  • Inventory Turnover: Times that the supplies are contained in the stock.
  • Suppliers Turnover: Percentage of the liabilities corresponding to the payment to suppliers that is contained in the supplies.

Income Statement


Profit 686.6M €    2.35K%

Profit on Income/Sales 212.8%    3.49K%
Earnings per share 1 €    2.4K%
Funds from Operations 761.2M €    426.2%
EBIT Margin 47.65%    0.66%
Operating Margin -7.41%    -214.2%
ROA 15.36%    3.44K%
ROE 71.52%    631.5%

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  • Profit: Amount after subtracting expenses from income. The profit attributed to the dominant entity is shown in the table (all data is annualized).
  • Profit on Income/Sales: Percentage of sales that is converted to profit.
  • Earnings per share: Net profit attributed to each of the outstanding shares.
  • Funds from Operations: Funds from operations. It results from adding profit and amortizations.
  • EBIT Margin: Percentage of income that is converted to EBIT.
  • Operating Margin: Percentage of income that is converted to earnings befor taxes.
  • ROA: Return on assets. Percentage of assets that represent the benefits.
  • ROE: Return on equity. Percentage of own resources that represent the benefits.

Return on Capital (ROE) 71.72%    551.1%

Profitability 3.38%   -0.6%
Economic Profitability 3.44%   -0.76%
Rea Estate Profitability -196.8%    387.8%

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  • Profitability: EBIT on total net assets. The net assets of a company are the total assets subtracting depreciation and provisions.
  • Return on Capital (ROE): Net profit on equity. In other words, it is the final benefit for each monetary unit held by the company.
  • Economic Profitability: Earnings before taxes on total assets.
  • Rea Estate Profitability: Net profit on capital invested.
Expenses/Profit 30.07%    14.84%
EBIT -84.66%   -11.22%
Staff expenses 44.65K €    55.35%
Financial Expenses on Sales 56.28%    13.38%

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  • Expenses/Profit: Expenses for each monetary unit of earnings.
  • EBIT: Earnings before interest and taxes
  • Staff expenses: Expenses from payroll of employees.
  • Financial Expenses on Sales: Financial expenses for each monetary unit of income.

Cash Flow

Cash Flow

Cash Flow 18,382M €    42.91%

Cash Flow per share 267.7K    45.73%
Cash Flow on assets 4.11%    106.1%
Cash Flow on income/sales 56.98%    109.1%
Dividends on Cash Flow 0%   0%
Cash Flow Margin Ratio 41.1%   -68.25%

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  • Cash Flow: Cash inflows minus exits.
  • Cash Flow per share: Cash flow per share
  • Cash Flow on assets: Cash flow for each monetary unit of assets.
  • Cash Flow on income/sales: Cash flow for each monetary unit of income/sales.
  • Dividends on Cash Flow: Dividends given for each monetary unit of Cash Flow.
  • Cash Flow Margin Ratio: Operating flows on sales. With this ratio you can know the profitability obtained by the company developing its activity without taking into account financial matters or taxes.
Cash Flow on Debt

Interest Coverage 142.1%   -20.84%

Cash Flow on short-term Liabilities -37.58%    825.8%
Cash Flow on long-term Liabilities -6.09%    37.81%
Cash Flow on Debt -5.78%    50.52%
External Financing 70.36%    26.75%

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  • Cash Flow on Debt: Cash flow on financial debt. It gives an idea of how large are the financial debts combined with the cash flow.
  • Cash Flow on short-term Liabilities: Cash flow for each monetary unit of short-term liabilities.
  • Cash Flow on long-term Liabilities: Cash flow for each monetary unit of long-term liabilities.
  • Interest Coverage: Ability to pay interest with cash flow.
  • External Financing: Financing cash flow on the total cash flow.